The Kindess of Others

These are interesting times. Times of great change for the world, but I am here to talk about an act of kindness that I recently have been the recipient of. 

It's hard to share this story without giving it context, but I could get lost in that direction of the story for a long time. That story is for another day. 

Unfortunately I do my best writing in the shower and never seem to document it all here or that story would already of been written.

There is a sign posted on the way into Madoc that offers sewing lessons. And I have never been a person that likes to sew. (Once my first husband, Bill asked me to sew a pant hem, I stapled it and he never asked again.)

But, I found myself being strangely drawn to that sign and the idea of sewing lessons intrigued me. 

I mentioned this on a Madoc Facebook group and a young woman reached out to me to offer to teach me to sew. What a generous gesture, people can be amazing. She doesn't know me, I could be a bitch or extremely needy, traits that keep me safe in my introvert bubble. But, she obviously didn't even think about those things. Hummm maybe a life lessons for me there .. lol.

Cut to a few days later and at the Foodland I am sharing this act of kindness story with a friend and she offers to give me a sewing machine she is not using. Seems she had 2 of them and had never used this one.

I have yet to go and meet up for those sewing lessons, as we are all practicing social isolation currently (strange times indeed) but I am humbled by the generosity of spirit that has recently been shared with me.

As I sit here with my sewing machine.


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