Man Rinaldo

He was rolled up in the basement at his sisters place, safe but hidden, almost forgotten I think. He was one of the first pieces Clancy had created. He was unfinished, and so handsome, his gaze I found intense.

He was another painting, ironically enough that his brother-in-law also was interested in. Clancy always laughs that both Serge and I are Gemini's and how alike we are. It seemed we also have the same taste in art work.

Man Rinaldo would become a Christmas present I would get that year.

Me became the second piece of art work I owned.


Anonymous said…
Wow! What a wonderful painting. The sterness in his face is absolutley astounding to see. The mix of the colors in his face bring out the personality of the whole piece of work. I am still mezmarized by the fullness of the feeling I get when I go back and look at it. (I have done so many times now). Clancy is a very gifted individual indeed. His talents shine brightly in his painting. Thank you Clancy for this astounding piece of beauty. William J. Mac Neil.

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