Dear Blog,
My my, it has been a long time.
If blog neglect were a crime then I would be guilty as charged.
Although I suspect you can’t really call it “neglect” as you have never been far from my mind.
I think about you all the time, little blog.
It’s just that sometimes there are so many other things that pull me here and there that there just isn’t enough time.
Today I have the time, the dog days of August.
Where to start, there is so much to say to update this space, yet not much has changed.
We plug along building our little world slowly. In fact the other day we thought we just might name our home to Slowly.
She has come a long way - with a long way to go. Terri gets frustrated there is always so much to do, me I looked out yesterday morning while having my morning coffee and saw beauty and potential.
I see how far we have come, and I am proud of him and us.

We have an apt of our own again in Toronto, I am happy to have my family with me once more. We have been apart except for weekends for almost two years. I missed them, again I look at them and cannot help but smile, with how proud I am of where I am in my life.
Yes it is a lot of work, but then all good things are.

It is all about moments, if I think of it all at the same time it becomes oppressive. I try to live in the minute I find that so much easier. If I think of all that needs to be done ... I get tired. I am 50 now after all.
My my, it has been a long time.
If blog neglect were a crime then I would be guilty as charged.
Although I suspect you can’t really call it “neglect” as you have never been far from my mind.
I think about you all the time, little blog.
It’s just that sometimes there are so many other things that pull me here and there that there just isn’t enough time.
Today I have the time, the dog days of August.
Where to start, there is so much to say to update this space, yet not much has changed.
We plug along building our little world slowly. In fact the other day we thought we just might name our home to Slowly.
She has come a long way - with a long way to go. Terri gets frustrated there is always so much to do, me I looked out yesterday morning while having my morning coffee and saw beauty and potential.
I see how far we have come, and I am proud of him and us.

We have an apt of our own again in Toronto, I am happy to have my family with me once more. We have been apart except for weekends for almost two years. I missed them, again I look at them and cannot help but smile, with how proud I am of where I am in my life.
Yes it is a lot of work, but then all good things are.

It is all about moments, if I think of it all at the same time it becomes oppressive. I try to live in the minute I find that so much easier. If I think of all that needs to be done ... I get tired. I am 50 now after all.