Clancy sold a painting this week. Which was very cool, he has been second guessing himself and his talent the last couple of months. It is a great painting, sometimes what amazes me about paintings is how before it is even finished it has a history. Paintings all have stories.
This painting started as a photograph I had taken of a co-worker as we waited for a plane in a small airport on a very cold January night, he had wanted to paint it the moment he saw the photograph. This week I took a photograph of the not quite finished painting to work to show Keisha.

She fell in love with it, and got very excited to buy it, it is a very sweet painting. I was glad she loved it so much, when I told Clancy about what happened he felt she just wanted to buy it because she works for me. His self doubts are always so close, I guess it is the nature of the beast, artists no matter what their medium put themselves out to be judged with each and every piece they share with the world. It is difficult and something I am not sure I could do constantly without my confidence being effected to some degree.

I wish he had seen her face when she saw the photograph, seen her honest reaction to what she was seeing. I had been travelling with her for two weeks and I had taken her photograph so many times she would just giggle when I took them even as she tried to sleep.

That particular photograph always makes her smile, she looked like shit and was worried what the painting might look like. So when she saw it and saw that it was an awesome painting of her, that had also captured a moment in time of her life beautifully, she was deeply moved.
It was very cool to share with her. Well done baby, congrats on the sale.
This painting started as a photograph I had taken of a co-worker as we waited for a plane in a small airport on a very cold January night, he had wanted to paint it the moment he saw the photograph. This week I took a photograph of the not quite finished painting to work to show Keisha.
She fell in love with it, and got very excited to buy it, it is a very sweet painting. I was glad she loved it so much, when I told Clancy about what happened he felt she just wanted to buy it because she works for me. His self doubts are always so close, I guess it is the nature of the beast, artists no matter what their medium put themselves out to be judged with each and every piece they share with the world. It is difficult and something I am not sure I could do constantly without my confidence being effected to some degree.
I wish he had seen her face when she saw the photograph, seen her honest reaction to what she was seeing. I had been travelling with her for two weeks and I had taken her photograph so many times she would just giggle when I took them even as she tried to sleep.
That particular photograph always makes her smile, she looked like shit and was worried what the painting might look like. So when she saw it and saw that it was an awesome painting of her, that had also captured a moment in time of her life beautifully, she was deeply moved.
It was very cool to share with her. Well done baby, congrats on the sale.