Cooper ...
Funny that she only joined our family a few months ago, it feels like she has been a part of us for a long time.
It was only a couple of months ago that we saw the sign "free kittens".
I never thought I would have a cat again after Tigger, who I had for 20 years, but living in the country changes things.
While renovating the bathroom, we saw a mouse in the exposed wall, and with Fall coming there was sure to be more of them coming inside.
A cat was a practical choice, we decided after some discussion.
So, we went and knocked on the door of Organic Ellie's place. I will write about Ellie again, she has become one of "The Players" in our life in Cooper.
Ellie's farm was everything I ever dreamed a farm should be. There was her chicken coop, I want a chicken coop, her roosters walking around like they owned the place. She says to me, take a rooster with you I have two and one is so mean I hate him. I would love a chicken cop and my own rooster even a mean one. But until we live out there full time it is not possible.
At first she handed us a little orange bundle, but both Clancy and I had our eye on the kitten over on the porch, the one with the stripes.
I would like to see that one please.

She was so cute, and small. I was unsure if she would live through the first month. Max thought she was a toy, he loved to carry her around by her head.

But, she is a toughie and holds her own nicely against him.

I remember when we first got her, Ellie told us she is too young to leave her Mom really, but because her Mom is pregnant again she has stopped feeding the kittens.
I asked ... should I feed it with an eye dropper or any special food etc. She laughed at me, and said .. this is a barn cat it will eat anything.
We named her Cooper, an a-sexual name after the Hamlet we live in, and because she was so young her sex was yet to be determined so it seemed fitting at the time.

Since the day we got her she has made us laugh.
I forgot how much of a pain in the ass a kitten can be, but because they are sooo cute you forgive the torn clothes, toilet paper, Kleenex, panty hose .. and everything else that does not walk away.

She is so brave, we go for walks every day and she loves to follow along. In fact if we leave without her she will meow until we come back for her, how dare we leave her behind if we are taking Max.

I like to think that next Spring this will be her territory, by taking her with us on these walks we are showing her the places to guard.

Her and Max have become great friends and keep each other company.
They are both so much fun.

It was only a couple of months ago that we saw the sign "free kittens".
I never thought I would have a cat again after Tigger, who I had for 20 years, but living in the country changes things.
While renovating the bathroom, we saw a mouse in the exposed wall, and with Fall coming there was sure to be more of them coming inside.
A cat was a practical choice, we decided after some discussion.
So, we went and knocked on the door of Organic Ellie's place. I will write about Ellie again, she has become one of "The Players" in our life in Cooper.
Ellie's farm was everything I ever dreamed a farm should be. There was her chicken coop, I want a chicken coop, her roosters walking around like they owned the place. She says to me, take a rooster with you I have two and one is so mean I hate him. I would love a chicken cop and my own rooster even a mean one. But until we live out there full time it is not possible.
At first she handed us a little orange bundle, but both Clancy and I had our eye on the kitten over on the porch, the one with the stripes.
I would like to see that one please.
She was so cute, and small. I was unsure if she would live through the first month. Max thought she was a toy, he loved to carry her around by her head.
But, she is a toughie and holds her own nicely against him.
I remember when we first got her, Ellie told us she is too young to leave her Mom really, but because her Mom is pregnant again she has stopped feeding the kittens.
I asked ... should I feed it with an eye dropper or any special food etc. She laughed at me, and said .. this is a barn cat it will eat anything.
We named her Cooper, an a-sexual name after the Hamlet we live in, and because she was so young her sex was yet to be determined so it seemed fitting at the time.
Since the day we got her she has made us laugh.
I forgot how much of a pain in the ass a kitten can be, but because they are sooo cute you forgive the torn clothes, toilet paper, Kleenex, panty hose .. and everything else that does not walk away.
She is so brave, we go for walks every day and she loves to follow along. In fact if we leave without her she will meow until we come back for her, how dare we leave her behind if we are taking Max.
I like to think that next Spring this will be her territory, by taking her with us on these walks we are showing her the places to guard.
Her and Max have become great friends and keep each other company.
They are both so much fun.