All my ducks in a row ...

That is the third time this week you have said that Clancy laughs.

I am excited these days, so excited I could puke actually, with how well all the ducks are lining up.

The time is close for us to move out of Toronto and to the country. We have been working towards this dream for a few years now. I did not think we would have it for at least two more years.

But it seems the time is much closer, it started innocently enough. Clancy finally gave in and told me I can have a dog.

I have always had dogs, he never has had one of his own, and he feels ready now. So I wanted to make sure this was a good experience for him. We gave it a great deal of thought and have done a lot of research the last couple of months. (Cesar Millan is our new hero).

After all this research we have decided that a Great Dane is the perfect dog for us. I did not want to start him with a puppy so; we talked and decided to register with Danes in Distress. We are now on their list to be adoptees.

A Dane’s traits suit us for many reasons one of the biggest is their laid back attitude and the fact that they were good apartment dogs. Most people would think the opposite because of their size, but it is due to their size that they are good.

They tend to be couch potatos, I told Clancy to think of it like having my teenage daughter move back home. A large lazy teenager.

We spoke to our landlord and although they allow dogs, she was not happy about the idea of such a big dog. So we decided we did not want to upset everyone and we would wait until we got our home in the country.

This was not an easy decision for us, we keep thinking about the dog. And the idea of waiting 10 years to own a dog, seemed unfair somehow.

We have wanted to leave Toronto for a long time, but we did not know how can we possibly do it? I need to get to work, and commuting daily is not an option.

So we figured there were no options, we would just keep plugging away and eventually we will get our dream of a small studio in the country with our Dane.

Indirectly the recession has been good news for us. We have been saving a little, so we thought we would just look around for that studio in the country a couple of weeks ago.

And the good news is we are going this Sunday afternoon out to the Kawartha’s to look at a wonderful place, it is listed at $119,000. Are you kidding me, who had any idea that prices like that even existed, in Toronto you cannot buy a shack for under $300K.

This was a price we can afford (as long as those duckies fall into place) it is presently set up with four buildings, on just over a half acre of land. There is a one bedroom trailer home, a music/recording studio, a yoga studio and a meditation house.

The real estate agent tells us the living quarters are the most “humble” of the buildings. The out buildings have had a lot of work done on them, and the photos look very good. A lot of open space and sunshine.

The humble home is actually very intriguing to us. We are two old hippies and we like a challenge.

It is in a town called Douro Dummer, my parents are also in the Kawarthas area we love it up there.

This home has been on the market for a few months now, and we are hoping if we like it as much as we think we will that it will be on the market a couple more.

Realistically we will not be ready until July 1st.

I will commute back and forth, but not daily, weekly. I get a lot of time off, and have a very flexible job, I will stay with my sister during the week; Clancy will take care of the business, the home, and the dogs.

Oh, did I forget to mention I want two Dogs. Hard to be a pack leader without a pack after all.


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