Four years ago, at Christmas time Terri moved into our home. Probably the best Christmas I had ever had, full of ... potential. We were unsure at the time what was coming our way, but we both knew something special was there. He gave me a painting, no, he did better than that, he presented me with a painting, it was one of the most romantic moments in my life. Two years ago I contacted Trevor, to purchase a painting Terri loved of his, a portrait Trevor has done of Terri. It was a great present to give him, I think the best gift I had ever given. Last year there was no "Christmas painting". This year as we were putting up the Christmas tree, I told Terri that I thought we should have a "Christmas Painting". I downloaded some Christmas themed images, and began to create a painting for Bay and Brennen. My first Christmas painting. I choose an old fashioned Christmas card image. I had fun instantly with the subject matter, but the perspectives...