After all this time

It's been almost a year since I retired. Time has passed since I was last here, it was an amazing first summer of retirement. I am unsure where to start so I am not going to think much about it. I could start with the main reason I wanted to come back here and write our story again, our dog Rupert. He died very suddenly last week, we had him 10 years. Damm, we loved that dog. Terri had never had a dog of his own, Rupert was good for him. He was good for all of us. Max can be a challenge, Rupert made it easier. He made us smile each and every day, I will miss talking with him, he loved to talk with me. Every morning when I woke we spent the first 10 minutes talking, it was like he had saved up all these things he needed to share with me after laying there all night waiting for me to wake,