Getting settled ...
Just over a year has gone by since we bought the little house in Madoc. It is a love\hate relationship we share with living in Toronto and a little home just north of Madoc. The hardest part for me is that we are apart during the week most of the time. Not that I mind that part all that much, with the technology we have in this day and age I feel close to Terri at all times. And it only makes sense he is painting and renovating the place, and I work all day, it is such a waste of our time to have him sitting in an apt all week. I think a large part of it is that I am bored when I am here in the apt. I need to find a hobby for this place. I did try painting in the winter and was getting into it, I should finish what I started or start a new one. Since I was last here so much has changed, we now have quite a little family. We have Max, or as we like to call him Mr. Man! He is without a doubt the most tenacious personality we have even been around. I do not think he believes he is a dog. ...