A Drive To The Country

Yesterday we went to the country, we had not been to see Trevor and Amanda's new home, we were overdue. Things had changed for them since last we saw them, we were also going to meet the newest addition to their family, their daughter, Simone. Two young talented artists, starting a new life in a new home. It had been a long time since I had seen clothes that small. A school house in the country, does it get any better than that? We left the noise and crazy pace of Toronto behind us and looked forward to our visit very much. It was beautiful, gardens full of flowers. Beans growing up the vines in the sunshine. A sense of history prevailed throughout this home, initials of the children carved into the brick, blackboards on the walls, there was a bell at the bottom of the stairs. I thought of the sound it would of made, and what it would have been like as it called the children to class, did they hear it for miles around? It was perfect for them, this house, it suited them, they are s...