
Showing posts from July, 2008


Today I am envious of him, envious of his talents, envious that he gets to stay at home, envious he gets to make a second pot of coffee before he gets to spend the day in his studio. Maybe I am envious today because I feel a little sad, I am unsure why, maybe it is the weather, it is a dreary July day here today. Maybe there is no reason except humans are emotional beings and sometimes we just feel a little sad. I just know that today I feel like I too want to be in a room; painting or drawing, sipping coffee and listening to quiet music as it plays in the background. I want to be lost for hours in a painting, I do not even know how to paint or draw, well not well at least. Terri says everyone can paint or draw, it is a learned skill, I do not agree with him. That is not quite right, I think to a point you can teach some of the skills necessary to paint or draw. But there is a natural gift that comes through for some people that no amount of teaching will ever change. That is, in my op...

New plan ...

We hated camping at Killbear and are home early. There were too many misquitos, and WAY too many children for us. We are getting too old to camp in that type of setting. We had hoped for a little quiet time, for Terri to do some painting. I wanted to take some photos, everywhere we looked there was people, the camp holds over 1,000 sites. It felt like a tent city, it was horrible. We did get about two hours one afternoon for Terri to do a little work ... Our new plan: we will stay right here in Toronto for the remainder of our vacation and go on day trips to find places for Terri to paint and me to take photos. Diana

Camping ...

We leave this Sunday for a five day camping trip. We are going to Georgian Bay area. Norther Ontario here we come. We are planning to bring some canvasses with us, and his sketch book etc. I will also bring my camera. We are hoping to have a show for him in the Spring, so a trip like this is perfect to help with a few pieces for his next body of work. Thank being said, he has one commission to finish, one to start and another one to give as a gift to the friend that married us. He is one busy artist these days, and that is a good thing. Diana

A commission ...

This morning Terri received a phone call from a friend. There is a co-worker of hers that will be retiring soon, they would like to give him as a memento a painting of the Scarborough Bluffs, and have commissioned Terri to do the work. Again part of why I wanted to keep this blog, was how random it can be living with an artist, our of no where you can get a call and bang you are up. I am so proud of him Diana